hs.graphicsDir = '/images/highslide/'; hs.restoreCursor = 'zoomout.cur'; hs.allowWidthReduction = true; hs.allowHeightReduction = true; allowSizeReduction = true; hs.showCredits = false; //hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white'; hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white'; hs.spaceForCaption = 10; hs.marginLeft = 30; hs.marginRight = 30; hs.marginTop = 20; hs.marginBottom = 30; hs.preserveContent = false; hs.loadingText = 'Loading'; hs.loadingOpacity = 0; hs.expandSteps = 1; // number of steps in zoom animation hs.expandDuration = 0; // milliseconds to expand hs.restoreSteps = 1; // steps in close animation hs.restoreDuration = 0; // milliseconds to close hs.zIndexCounter = 0; // adjust to other absolutely positioned elements hs.dimmingOpacity = 0; // Lightbox style dimming background hs.objectHeight = 2000; hs.objectLoadTime = 'after'; // Load iframes 'before' or 'after' expansion. HsExpander.prototype.printIframe = function () { var name = this.iframe.name; frames[name].focus(); frames[name].print(); return false; } hs.registerOverlay( { thumbnailId: null, overlayId: 'controlbar', position: 'top right', hideOnMouseOut: false, opacity: 1, useOnHtml : false } ); function myresize(w, h) { var exp = hs.getExpander(); var args = { width: w, height: h, dX: 0, dY: 0 }; exp.resize(args); // move it to center: var size = hs.getPageSize(); exp.x.min = Math.round((size.width - exp.x.span) / 2); exp.y.min = Math.round((size.height - exp.y.span) / 2); hs.setStyles(exp.wrapper, { left: exp.x.min +'px', top: exp.y.min +'px' }); exp.resize(args); };